
Mother Ronza

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Nec laudibus nec timore, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Nec laudibus nec timore 

By Mother Sigrid Eliora

I lost track of the number of people, who said after their 'confession' or testimonial: ' Now you might be killed for knowing!' The former never thought I would survive and live the truth to tell and the latter even rang for alarm for my rescue the bell! And I do not care for somebody's curse or stupid spell, if they say double-faced: ' I wish you well! Or 'God bless!', as I know that the one good God will send all evildoers suddenly back into their own hell and He won't in imagination for their most effective punishment in order to attach a gram of conscience to their stone hearts lack and makes simply known their own shame across the border to their own name! And then, every devil's den will wish they had never poisoned a dish or accepted bribery from 'a fish' and they rather admit that they did kill and called themselves as a chief cock or hen, as somewhere down the line a victim, who survived lived the beans on them with peaceful means to spill, and some victims reported crimes to God posthumously from heaven and receive justice eventually by their own daughter's or husband's or other relative's  or friend's or neighbour's testimony or confession without any concession! As God gives and God takes away, and from an unrepentant evildoer He takes all, and brings about publicly their biggest ever fall! From Bavaria to the Pall Mall, from Jamaica and Antigua to the wailing wall, and make that for any continent not just ending on an -a! And governments and councils abroad in all nations should be very careful, whom they select as a representative and ambassador of good will or for a humanitarian or economical cause, as some might just abuse their diplomatic immunity and impunity under the cover of the name of an old family and pretend they spend bribery on behalf of their countries but in fact they are simply organised criminals and mercenaries, who abuse trust of the crown and of their country! And some are even rhyming and are called Blair and Brown - in the world of mammon life's rarely fair! But God knows not such persons, especially if they sold their lives to the ritual knives secret societies, as He only has eyes for His holy souls and plans before they enter their mother's womb their every shade and strand of their hair! And only the purehearted and kind and humble and truthful are Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene's kingdom heirs! As they take of the truth and of each other greatest care, and do all that they have and need with each other wordlessly and selflessly share! 

Corrupt people, who abuse power and diplomatic immunity and who are most certainly members of secret societies confess their notorieties into a face of person of integrity only, when the former thinks that the latter might still be convinced to kill for bribery or property or jewellery or some reward or when the evildoer lets his victims from a poisonous cup drink and hopes that none of them survives nor with the truth of unspeakable crimes against humanity copes. But the one good God crushes now the Vatican's and all other organised criminal organisations' any hopes of impunity and simply revokes all diplomatic immunity and puts on house arrest a whole community!

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St Chad's Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena

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St Chad's Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena

Posted By Blogger to Celtic Abbey of St Chad the Martyr on 1/17/2015 09:32:00 am

St Chad's Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena

St Chad's Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena


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The Holy Violet is a flower of purity and humility and of blind trust in God and of integrity. And with the Holy Rose they are the one good God's last and only gift to humanity to bring about peace, security, unity, justice and to let blossom man in harmony and natural beauty in every country, and if they give the sign of 'S.O.S.' not just the heavenly MI5 needs to be ready, steady GO!!! By Mother Sigrid Eliora

Friday, 16 January 2015

The Holy Violet is a flower of purity and humility and of blind trust in God and of integrity. And with the Holy Rose they are the one good God's last and only gift to humanity to bring about peace, security, unity, justice and to let blossom man in harmony and natural beauty in every country, and if they give the sign of 'S.O.S.' not just the heavenly MI5 needs to be ready, steady GO!!!

By Mother Sigrid Eliora

The Holy Violet is a flower of purity and humility and of blind trust in God and of integrity. It is found only by those, who never do in greed and lust overdose on the way home to God, where it is waiting quietly but most strongly in colour and scent pleasingly to the wanderer's senses and to the one good God's eye, who made it for His secret garden, where the angels' hearts never harden. And its roots eventually grow all over the places and familiar to each other are all its family faces and suddenly they intertwine with the ones of the Holy Rose and its family, its best beloved friend and they are, now in human form, joined by the one good God again as the eternal husband and wife, whom He called Adam and Eve and later many other names in all their incarnations and they also were given other shapes, colours and sizes in all different nations, as, sadly, there were many snakes and beasts in disguise of evil bishops and other such so-called faith leaders, who were rather brutal whore- and warmongering and scaremongering evil creatures' and golem breeders, who would poison just to make Him cry even the one good God's singing bird feeders!

And they came up with all sorts of nonsensical rules to distract people from enjoying God's perfect creation and put higher than the one good God's simple commandments their own amendments to corruption, which they called religion. And that gave them the excuse even to silence the truth about the eternal true love and holy monogamy and the holy couples' vow and commitment to be the one good God's eternal and original holy family! Especially, when the couple came as Abraham and Sarah and Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala back into the world, the evildoers, who had by now become self-gloryfying and truth totally denying heretics and outright organised criminals, treated mankind without human dignity and like mules in slavery!

There were ages, though, where peace lasted for a while because the truth was spread as daily peaceful bread informally by travelling wandering sages and their families, and The holy couple was always at their most height, if they were given the chance freely to sing, speak and dance but they also had to bear the full weight of their by the one good God only bestowed kingship and sometimes they carried each other's burden as king and queen also visibly with a crown or as the poorest of the poor with just one ragged gown. but they never let God, each other nor their family purposefully down, and if they had to make tough decisions, all affected were eventually by the one good God the Holy Violet and Holy Rose's reasons shown, and as quickly as the recipients did almost in their floods of heartaching tears drown they dried up instantly, as soon as provided was the truth by heaven through the Holy Spirit, in an explanation or declaration even to a whole nation. And some called the voice in their hearts or dreams their conscience, some their intuition but they all knew deep down that the one good God had to them again His joy and infinite love and light shown, and the truth it is His strongest might!

As only the truth brings about justice and lasting peace and lets grow and blossom true love in the eternal Holy Mother's bosom and in the Holy Father's protecting palms! And the one good God feeds His beloved family unconditionally and doesn't let them beg for alms but He provides in mysterious ways, of which none the other and none His peace and truth and justice betrays!

But at evil bishops and other deceiving faith leaders He does now almightily from His Judgment throne shout, when He has to witness that they again want to kill His beloved holy
family and want to poison and rip out the Holy Violet's and Holy Rose's eternal family tree root to replace them with numerous an artificially created and even cloned face! But the one good God won't allow anymore in any shore unpunishedly blasphemy against the truth that is safeguarded by the Holy Spirit but He sends in His peaceful hidden family against any mercenary army at the right time against the latters' imminent organised crime to shout out aloud even from the cloud or in a car to toot, when an evil so-called faith leader wants to kill the Holy Violet and the Holy Rose again and wants to get rid of them in a car boot! And His hidden family doesn't do anything that is by the one good God forbidden, as that would make them infinitely guilt-ridden, but He lets the holy souls also use their pen against a devil's den and its fouls, if they plot any fascist secret society financed hellish concerted strike f.ex. by the Vatican pike or by some fashionista Lagerfeld fascista or by some deadly see Marine with a poisonus LePen!

And Jesus Christ watches over Mary Magdalene Himself and matches her bookshelf with the evidence and facts about every listed crook and pseudo-spook! And He also dictates her one after the other true book! And the so-called faith leaders increasingly unconvincing in the evermore bright shining light of the truth and nothing but the truth even in the courts look!

And the holy couple have worked in many professions and know all about many vocations and are familiar with the irregularities in many a location, as they are constantly being briefed as special consultants by their heavenly MI5 about the latest developments and go undercover together in many an operation, albeit in different role and capacity to find in many a hierarchy and company the criminal mole instantly, so that in every country can set in human dignity, peace and harmony and unity under the sun! Of the one good God's light that is His eternal might!

And the evil ones amongst the bishops and faith leaders better right now write their confession letter to the MI5 uregently to prevent yet another hit and another hacking of cyber bit! As otherwise they will be charged regardlessly even with crimes against humanity that they could have prevented had they acted fast and wise! And on the truth, ye evildoers, the one good God, nor mankind, no longer allows any compromise! As all lies will now find their instant demise!

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Friday, January 02, 2015

When former Swiss Guards rather cook themselves, they have survived the truth to tell about what they saw in certain archives bookshelves, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

When former Swiss Guards rather cook themselves, they have survived the truth to tell about what they saw in certain archives bookshelves, 

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

When former Swiss Guards rather cook themselves than to be fed by a crook nun or father they have survived the truth to tell about what they saw in certain archives bookshelves, and asked the one good God Jesus Christ for help to break the Vatican's every black magic death spell and as a bonus God let the gamblers loose and took away all that they once owned in shares of their golden goose, as none of the financial Vatican  consultants really anymore about a corrupt hideous heretical and corrupt to the core shore cares under secret society cones and even a former pope at them and his former Swiss guards in disbelief at his failure to shut them up stares, and wordlessly into his own abbyss evermore fell and has to pay also all his dodged fares that he failed to pay, when he was under a stolen identity in London on the DLR to a pyramid glass roof for a secret society kingmaking session with the Bishop of London and the bishops of Forward in Faith on his way! Even a former pope can only as many a secret society and his own secret service with his multiple organised criminality betray. And in hiding is now even his own secret family, as blown is their cover and no country grants them anymore diplomatic immunity and impunity and they wish by now that they had never disturbed the peace of Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdalene's own eternal holy family nor that of their community!

These evildoers might still receive many an invitation to big events from any nation, where they did mercilessly under a secret society mask under once diplomatic immunity and impunity under abuse of authority and with concerted cover ups at tax payers cost unhinderedly commit organised criminality and numerous lives with axes and swords and guns and ritual knives kill and from the church records and official lists ommit but those invites are linked to arrest warrants awaiting them in every community and issued and signed by an international law authority, so they might as well present themselves to the MI5 subito even in Surbiton and surrender fully and help to bring to justice all crimes of their every secret society, as anyway known is their notoriety. And they cannot expect anymore amnesty, as that offer has been by these criminals even mocked, which even many a former accomplice of theirs and their heirs shocked! So, once they surrender at least they will find their cell or monastery confinement securely by guards with integrity locked, who are immune to empty promises and death threats and bribery or confiscated illegally property! 

The Vatican has the longest time with their organised crime also in the Anglican shore human beings like cattle onto a death train flocked and the return of Jesus Christ with a burn down of the Cutty Sark mocked! Herr Ratzinger never thought that one ought not also sign a secret order under a dribbling breath, as DNA was such provided and quickly to the codename sealed and passed on to the international law courts, as a source in the Vatican confided, who always with the truth sided! And, Herr Ratzinger, the MI5 also holds a certain file with by you in Münster stolen medical information, and it was handed over by your next generation, who has severed now to you its family affiliation for her own security!
Alright?! Give up your bloody monstrous fight and spend the rest of your days in isolation awaiting God's judgment, and sure is already your eternal condemnation with all your sins retained, as you have taken the mick out of the One good God's kindness and from truly repenting refrained and even holy souls with your own fouls stained, after you had them in word, thought and/or deed via your heretical aryan creed slained! 

You are stuck in your own mind's hell's blindness!

That's the Vatican for you. One Hell of a gambling institution that places bets on human beings' lives with ritual knives and makes sure they win with every cardinal sin by enforcing their Vatican resolutions with pompous elocution via blasphemy and elaborate heresy and ceremony enforced by a secret society werewolf network of organised criminality with one at least in black ss-boots hidden in every monastery - and to the world leaders they tell, as they are competition - that their war-and whoremongering is strictly come dancing forbidden! Look at the popes - none of them is truly at their crimes against humanity and bribery and their abuse of authority and utter lack of integrity guilt-ridden! And, last not least, they hide in every single prayer and blessing from the Vatican walls  into Urbi et Orbi a Satanist spell - guess what, some former Swiss guards lived the truth to tell!

St Chad's Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena

St Chad's Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena
