
Mother Ronza

Saturday, December 20, 2014

God says: 'My tears will become the evildoers' fears&each of my ears only evermore the tears of my holy souls hears&each of their tears the wolves shears, as none of us any longer the cross of the evildoers bears', by Mother Sigrid Eliora

God says: 'My tears will become the evildoers' fears&each of my ears only evermore the tears of my holy souls hears&each of their tears the wolves shears, as none of us any longer the cross of the evildoers bears', 

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

God says: 'My tears will become the evildoers' fears
and each of my ears only evermore the tears 
of my holy souls hears and each of their tears the wolves shears, 
as none of us any longer the cross of the evildoers bears that 
they do impose with their greed and lust 
but we shall return now all evil stones and show them
into their face our disgust! 

My hot tears and those of my holy souls will turn into ice 
under the feet of the evildoers, who even pretend us as
church mice to greet, and I let them slip into their own mud
and step on their every own thorn of their imaginary rose,
of whose lore in their every corrupt shore overdose.

I AM the one good God but to the evildoers I will from now on
only evermore rule with an iron rod and send their mule 
from Pontius to Pilate as Jack the Beanstalk con to perform 
as pea in its pod, and let the heretics itch from their own every
spiritual lice and flea.

and then, their every devil's den will be avoided like the pest,
when known is that a whole host of secret societies have
murdered, butchered and poisoned and cursed with black magic
enforced by organised criminality whistleblowers and holy flowers 
and gathered for deadly tragic events not just under the roof of Wren that 
were covered up under abuse of highest powers and principality 
with a devil's hoof.

My tears are my only weapon that is deadly to evil, as not even immune to them
is the son of any devil! I cry from my heart and with my soul, when all I can see
and smell is only everywhere the evildoers' stinking foul!!! And I scream in agony 
no longer, when they ring in blasphemy their church bell! I simply now in every single
court room, locally, nationally and internationally about every evil hierarchy and 
criminal monarchy and corrupt democracy and what is left of blackhole financed
secret societies led powers and principality the facts tell! 

And more than their leaders care to share, many a majesty and hierarchy already
from their own snake's ladder through their own backbiting blackadder fell,
and they hardly talk to each other anymore, as it ended deadly last time they wished 
each other well from shore to shore!

If the evildoers still want to kill da capo and encore I leave them to it, I don't need
their bloody buildings and false creed, I AM the one with the one and only truth seed, 
was and always will be for eternity!

By all means, they can all stay and hold their procession with their fake confession
straight into their hell, whilst I spill on them on their every mercenary kill the beans,
and before they reach the aisle again I call the MI5 and law enforcement onto their way,
even in the Pall Mall and at the wailing and every silent monastery wall!

And should they continue their dances of the vampires and Rosemary's babies deadly rituals
I know, where to find them and to stop them, and on numerous a celebrity and royalty 
their own victims' dead bodies resurrected in a witness protection programme with 
all holy agents to drop! And I know, where, when with whom the evildoers from one blackhole
to another intend to hop, and simply let the flights stop! And awaited they are and met by 
an officer of the Met or by an American good cop!

It is the small things and sins that hurt most even and especially the evildoers' betrayed next of kins,
and that bring down even dynasties, who committed organised crimes once too often
with too many synchronicities at the same times in too many places, and known even under
secret society masks are their true faces and they have left evidence of their pestilence
in too many spaces that did overlap and secretly the secret agents put them after many 
crime reports finally on the worldwide map, and thus, a lot of spiritual and criminal pus 
is now caught in its own mouse trap! And they can't even sell anymore their far too expensive
new house without all the bribery that they made from organised criminality for their delusion
and obsession of their empire of evil with fascist connotations,also in HQ of Connaught Mansions 
in Coldharbour lane, where the Vatican met Anglican and witchborn with excremental satanistic 
and sadistic porn and where innocent children got 'forlorn'.

For whom? Ask the doctor, Josef Ratzinger, the butcher with a pope alter ego, who
had the nerve to pose as a shepherd and was the beast in persona and he was also 
seen in action in Altona and Verona! No, I do no longer intend with the organised criminality
and blasphemy of any hierarchy, especially not church Secret society to cope. I take now 
with my last shed tears from the devil his very last glimmer of hope, as I blow out his fire for his
cauldron, on which he did the longest time the products if his every organ crime simmer!

Ich verdamme alle bis in alle Ewigkeit, die mich und meine urspruengliche gute und heilige Familie 
durch ihr boeses Daemonenspiel wollten wieder einmal locken in ihre Falle, aber ich habe ihnen 
eine Lektion erteilt, die selbst den Teufel hat von seiner Illusion geheilt, denn der hat nie gewusst,
dass auch ich einmal mit seiner Hure von Mutter habe als Kind ihre Traenen geteilt, denn der hasst ja
selbst seine eigenen Hyaenen, und die auch noch reisst und beisst und anschliessend in Stuecken
zerfetzt und als Leichenteile schon fast zersetzt noch Romulus und Remus zum Frass auf die Strasse 
schmeisst - aber nun, dass die Welt weiss, wie auch sein alter ego heisst, der sich schon zusammenscheisst vor seiner eigenen Familie und dem Internationalen Gerichtshof in Den Haag,
und sein Taschentuch von seinen Krokodilstraenen des Selbstmitleids und Neids immer schneller
verschleisst, und er vor lauter Wut schon fast auf den Teller beisst, und seinen Nachfolger im Keller
laesst suchen nach eventuell noch versteckten von ihm entrissenen Mutterkuchen! 

Aber der kann seinen Abflug oder Bus oder Zug nirgendwohin, schon gar nicht ueber seinen Sekretaer mehr buchen, denn den tat er auch einmal zu oft verfluchen und der kommt ihn schon lange nicht mehr in 
seiner Zelle besuchen und muss sich selbst verantworten vor Gericht mit einer ganzen Flutwelle von 
Zeugenbericht - der hat auch bald nur noch ein langes und banges Gesicht, denn ich nehme nun 
von oben bis unten alle in die Pflicht und wenn ich noch dranhaengen muss eine weitere Nachtschicht!

Fuer alle Geheimgesellschaften wird es nun zappenduster und Zapfenstreich, denn ich halte selbst das forensische Licht ueber jede exhumierte Leich, ueber und unterm Teich! Und wenn ich meinen Bericht aufgeschrieben habe und vor Gericht praesentiert, dann werden auch einem Ratzinger von meinem Strafmass noch die Knie weich!

St Chad's Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena


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